
Links of Interest

The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science merged with the Center for Inquiry, under Robyn Blumner as CEO. Together we promote Secular Humanism and Scientific Skepticism. Among our projects (see separate links) are the Teacher Institute for Evolutionary Science, Secular Rescue, Science Saves, and two journals, Skeptical Inquirer and Free Inquiry

The mission of the Richard Dawkins Foundation is to promote scientific literacy and a secular worldview. Some might see this as two distinct missions: 1) Teaching the value of science, and 2) Advancing secularism. Yes, those are my foundation’s goals. You will not be surprised to learn that my personal priority is science as one of the highest and most aesthetically rewarding achievements of the human spirit. But there is an intimate connection between science and the other preoccupation of my foundation, the advancement of secularism. I see those goals as interrelated and mutually reinforcing.

Effecively debunks an extreme critic called "The Dialectical Biologist" and invites readers to give their own assessment of The Selfish Gene. 52 do so and it's very interesting to read their comments.

I’m not sure about the nature of this website, The Freethinker, but it appears to be a rationalist and humanistic venue. But I haven’t investigated it in any detail as I really don’t care about its politics given that the article at hand is an interview with Richard Dawkins. Nor is the interviewer named; it’s just “Freethinker.”

These papers include some that grew out of my DPhil Thesis, my work with Marian Stamp Dawkins on decision-making, the work with Jane Brockmann and Alan Grafen on ESS theory in digger wasps, my 1976 paper on Hierarchical Organisation, and various theoretical papers on evolution.

Alan Canon brilliantly re-wrote my original Mac-specific suite of "Watchmaker " programs as a web version which will run on any computer. Alan's work is unfinished (e.g. Snails) but in general it works so well that I wanted to post the link here.

One of the two journals published by the Center for Inquiry. This one concentrates on Secular Humanism and atheism.

One of the two journals published by the Center for Inquiry. Skeptically investigates all claims of the paranormal, including homeopathy, psychokinesis, telepathy, poltergeists, spiritualism, UFOs etc.

Our translations project aims to make available for download on pdfs, completely free of charge, books by Richard Dawkins and eventually others, translated into Arabic, Urdu, Farsi and Indonesian, the languages of the Islamic world.
It’s Time to Celebrate National Science Appreciation Day! Science makes lives better. In innumerable ways and across all of humanity, individual lives are longer, healthier, easier, and fuller due to the advances of science. Yet science gets too little credit for its massive contributions to human wellbeing. With your help #ScienceSaves is doing something about that!
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