
Links of Interest

Secular Rescue is a program of the Center for Inquiry designed to provide emergency assistance to writers, bloggers, publishers, and activists who face threats due to their beliefs or expressions regarding religion. Generous public support has allowed the Center for Inquiry to assist more than three dozen individuals and their families in escaping to safety, either temporarily or permanently.
Under its director, Bertha Vazquez, TIES helps teachers, all over America, to teach evolution effectively in the face of irrational opposition.
Mehr Denken - Weniger Glauben Ein Leben ohne den Glauben an übernatürliche Kräfte ist gut, lebenswert und zeitgemäß. Auf diesen Seiten finden Sie anregende Artikel und Diskussionen rund um die Themen Wissenschaft und Religion, aufbauend auf der Arbeit des Evolutionsbiologen Richard Dawkins
Brilliant program for navigating around a fractal depiction of the family tree of all animals, written by James Rosindell and Yan Wong.

Sunday Times Review of Flights of Fancy by James McConachie.

"This is not the Richard Dawkins you know — not the ferociously brilliant evolutionary biologist, author of The Selfish Gene and The Blind Watchmaker. Nor the gleefully pugnacious atheist Dawkins, author of The God Delusion. . . Genial Uncle Richard for me, is the most likeable Dawkins yet.

This link is to the Richard Dawkins Foundation website where birthday wishes were kindly solicited.
In the spring of 1997 I was invited to have a long conversation with John Maynard Smith, recorded as part of the Web of Life series. The producer, Graham Massey, wanted these not for broadcast but to serve as an archive, for posterity, of great scientists (in this case JMS) reminiscing to a younger colleague (in this case me) whose role was to prompt rather than interview and whose words were therefore to be largely omitted from the final archive. It took place in the Maynard Smiths' Sussex house, and was a memorable experience for me, spread over two days. I miss him very much.

R Dawkins (1976)  Hierarchical Organisation: A Candidate Principle for Ethology. in (Eds) PPG Bateson & RA Hinde, Growing Points in Ethology, pages 7-54.

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